As Borusan Holding and Group companies, we regard sustainability as the cornerstone of our business processes, and address it comprehensively. We broaden our area of impact by carrying on our studies in the focus areas of climate, humans and innovation. As a corporation prominent with our ethical values, we paid attention to the sustainability principles when preparing our strategic plan for the next 5 years. We also design our investments and programs in line with this mentality.
We address our sustainability activities specific to Supsan in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Social Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Erişilebilir ve Temiz Enerji
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sanayi, Yenilikçilik ve Altyapı
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
I-REC Certificate
In 2006, we signed the United Nations (UN) Global Compact consisting of 10 articles on “human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption”. As a result of this initiative of the UN which was commenced in 1999 with the participation of 1,300 corporations from all over the world so far, we set our course to follow as “Borusan’s Path” and secured it under corporate commitment.
In 2010, we joined the “World Business Council for Sustainable Development” as the second member from Türkiye.
Drawn up on the basis of GRI’s globally recognized Sustainability Guidelines, the first Borusan Sustainability Report was published in 2009. It was deemed “Notable”, in other words, exceptionally successful and satisfactory at the UN standards, by New York based Global Compact Center of the United Nations. We continue publishing our progress reports on a constant basis.