At Borusan Holding and Group companies, we consider sustainability to be a cornerstone of our business processes, and we approach it in an inclusive manner. We are expanding our area of influence by continuing our work in the focus areas of climate, people and innovation. As an institution renowned for our ethical values, we considered the principles of sustainability when preparing our strategic plans for the next 5 years. We create our investments and programmes with this in mind.
We handle our sustainability efforts specific to Supsan in line with Sustainable Development Goals.

Social Gender Equality

Clean Water and Sanitation

Affordable and Clean Energy

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructur

Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate Action


I-REC Certificate
The United Nations (UN) Global Compact consisting of 10 articles covering “human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and combating corruption” was signed in 2006. With this initiative, which was launched in 1999 and which 1300 companies across the world have joined to date, Borusan set the course we are going to follow from now on, calling it the “Borusan Way” and have made a corporate commitment to it.
We joined the “Sustainable Development World Business Council” in 2010 as the 2nd member from Türkiye.
We published the first Borusan Sustainability Report in 2009 prepared based on the globally recognised GRI Sustainability Guidelines. The UN’s Global Compact Centre in New York found us “notable” meaning exceptionally successful and sufficient in terms of UN standards. We continue to publish progress reports regularly.