Our principal Human Resources processes operate to provide the best possible employee experience and are designed around the different needs of the Borusan Group companies as part of our Human resources strategy and are conducted within the following policies.
Organisational Structure and Working Conditions
We offer our employees an inclusive, human-centric working environment that values differences, follows a code of ethics, is development-focused and supports high performance. Organisational structures within the Borusan Group companies are created as lean as possible in line with company strategies, objectives and needs. Through digitalisation, we are implementing digital working methods that are efficient, productive, innovative and not dependent on time or location. We employ matrix, horizontal and flexible structures, agile teams, and different resource use conditions (part-time work, using an overseas workforce, project-based work, etc.) as needed.
We develop the optimum working conditions for employee health and well-being in the working environment. We create meaningful and inspiring business and working environments, set flexible working hours that consider the work-life balance when applicable, adopt well-being practices specific to differing employee needs, and make physical and behavioural arrangements founded on occupational health and safety.
Talent Acquisition and Employer Brand Image
Our primary goal is to acquire the best talents that will help the Borusan Group achieve its strategies and goals by developing recruitment tools, programmes and collaborations, and with our powerful employer brand image. Accordingly, we evaluate employee candidates fairly using modern recruitment procedures and methods designed to meet our needs.
When recruiting, we aim to find talents that will create the highest added value. We evaluate candidates by assessing their functional suitability as well as their potential to add value to our Borusan Group values, our leadership model and organisation, and in areas other than work.
Central to our efforts to recruit young talents and cultivate the leaders of the future in support of the Borusan Group’s vision is the Alpha Young Talent Programme.
Talent Development and Retention
Making investments to identify our employees’ potentials and improve them is one of the Borusan Group’s highest priorities. Based on company strategies and objectives, Performance Management includes steps to identity individual targets, measure and reward them. Justice and Objectivity are essential to this process and all managers are responsible for providing these conditions in their teams.
Talent Management involves identifying employees with high potential who demonstrate high performance and exemplary behaviour within the group, then a developmental investment is carefully applied for their growth and development. Talent Management includes designing rotation plans involving high-potential employees to create substitutes for management positions within the group companies.
We give priority to Group employees when staffing newly opened management positions in the Group. If we fail to find a suitable candidate, we look at outside candidates to evaluate. Every employee is afforded equal rights and treatment during the promotion process. Management teams prioritise employees who demonstrate high potential and performance for promotion.
We invest in employee development with the Borusan Academy. Borusan Academy designs and implements programmes that nurture Corporate Culture, Leadership Development Programmes and programmes that target the development of functional competencies. In addition to this, it prepares and implements programmes to invest in Personal, Technical and Professional development in line with company needs.
Apart from all these opportunities for growth and development, Borusan Group employees are expected to make an effort to better themselves.
Borusan Group Leadership Model and Development
In addition to their work, leaders in the Borusan Group care about managing the team members they work with, their focus on cooperation and success with other teams and individual awareness, and to do this, they develop person, team, and individual awareness management muscles. The Borusan Group Leadership Model details the competencies and behaviours expected of Borusan Leaders, who possess individual awareness, believe in teamwork, prioritise succeeding together and who act today by aiming at the future.
Every team leader sets aside at least 15% of their time to team management, human resources and leadership topics. The Leadership Development Programme defined by Borusan Academy strengthens the leadership muscles and trains leaders “who inspire” their organisations.
Recognition, Appreciation and Total Reward Management
Total Reward Management includes motivating and competitive wages, benefits and recognition practices that support high performance while focusing on employees’ contributions to business objectives and their competencies.
Jobs in the Borusan Group are assessed based on the job size of all positions according to an internationally recognised job evaluation methodology; the position’s basic level of responsibility is assessed by taking into account its relative contribution to the organisation and the knowledge/skills/experience and competencies needed for the position.
In parallel with the job assessment process, wage policies are set by taking into account macroeconomic data, the wage policies valid in the market, the size of the company and long-term objectives.
Wages are managed in accordance with legal obligations taking into account the size of people’s jobs, their performance and wage balances both inside and outside the company. Wage management also considers the balance of fairness-objectivity in the company and the company’s solvency.
In line with employees’ expectations and needs, fringe benefits vary in terms of content and flexibility depending on the position and size of the job and are set and implemented centrally.
Part of the total reward approach, the performance bonus system aims to help companies realise their goals and achieve business outcomes that surpass their goals, to encourage employees to perform better by rewarding success, and to establish a goal-oriented performance culture. At the end of the year, graded year-end performance bonuses are paid to employees with eligible performance grades based on individual performance results in line with year-end performance and solvency.
Employee Engagement Management
We in the Borusan Group aim to follow employee engagement and strengthen it by paying attention to our employees’ suggestions and expectations. Our main priority is to provide a safe, ethical working environment that takes the balance between work and private life into account, and to ensure sustainable employee engagement by creating a positive organisational climate with the right leadership styles.
With this in mind, we regularly commission independent companies to conduct employee engagement surveys while collecting employee suggestions and expectations. ö
The Human Resources and management teams examine the opportunities and areas for improvement revealed by the Engagement Survey, plan the necessary courses of action, implement them, and monitor developments.