6 Sigma | 3.4 defects per million opportunities – 99.99966% perfection Managerially: A management style aimed at meeting customer demands through high-quality and error-free processes. |
Sigma | The Greek alphabet letter symbolizing the statistical measurement unit used to define the standard deviation within a population. It measures data variability or dispersion. |
Deviation - Variation | It is impossible to consistently deliver products and services with the same results and values in a process. It represents differences between values. |
Common Cause Variationn | Random variation inherent in the system's nature. |
Special Cause Variation | Unpredictable, intermittent variation usually originating from an element within the process. |
Master Black Belt | Full-time professionals who have previously served as Black Belts. They train Black Belts and coach Black Belt projects. |
Black Belt | Full-time professionals who have previously served as Black Belts. They train Black Belts and coach Black Belt projects. |
Expert Green Belt | Part-time project leaders managing Expert Green Belt Projects. |
Green Belt | Project team members providing part-time support for projects. |
Project Sponsor | The owner of the project. They lead the identification of projects in their area and prioritize them. |
DMAIC | Six Sigma projects aimed at improving existing processes. |
DMEDI | Six Sigma projects focused on creating new processes or redesigning broken processes. |
Kick off | Project initiation meetings. |
Gateway | Project phase transition meetings. |
Project Charter | A document explaining why the project is undertaken, its objectives, constraints, opportunities, resources, and project plan. |
SMART | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. |
SIPOC | A tool used to identify all relevant elements of a process as a team (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer). |
Quick Win | Opportunities for quick, easy-to-implement gains that are low-cost and within the team's control. |
VOC | Voice of the Customer. |
CCR | Critical Customer Requirement. |
VOB | Voice of the Business. |
CBR | Critical Business Requirements. |
BRM | Business Risk Management. It ensures the project's outcomes' impact on existing processes is determined in advance. |
Operational Definition | A concept that reconciles key characteristics of what, how, and who regarding the values the team has decided to measure. |
Pugh Matrix | A concept selection matrix. |
AHP | A decision-making method that relates selection criteria to one another and determines importance levels accordingly. |
5S | A process and method for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, and high-performing work environment. |
Capacity | The maximum amount of product/service a process can produce within a certain period.. |
TTakt Time | The amount of product/service demanded by customers within a certain period. |
Time Trap | Any process step that delays the overall process. |
Constraint | A time trap preventing the fulfillment of customer demand. |
Value Stream Map | An enhanced workflow diagram including material and information flow and key parameters. |
Histogram | Displays the central tendency, distribution, shape, and outliers of a variable's data. |
Run Charts | Shows data points over time. |
Control Charts | Displays changes in data points over time, along with control limits and averages. |
Scatter Diagram | Shows the response of Y output to X input. |
Hypothesis Tests | Determines whether a statistical parameter (mean, standard deviation, etc.) differs from the values at hand (area of interest). |
ANOVA | A test for comparing the means of more than two samples. |
t-Test | A test to determine whether there is a difference between two groups. |
Regression (Linear & Multiple) | Used for defining, summarizing, detecting, and quantifying relationships. |
Logistic Regression | Used for defining, summarizing, detecting, and quantifying relationships. |
EMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. |